We welcome new members!
If you are actively involved in research relevant to frustrative nonreward and/or loss, and would like to become a group member, please send an email to Mauricio R. Papini. Attach a current version of your CV and briefly describe your research goals.
Journal Club on frustration research
Yorkiris Marmol is leading a Journal Club to read/discuss papers on frustration research. Contact her is you are interested in participating.
Research Domain Criteria (RDoC)
The RDoC initiative was launched by the National Institute of Mental Health in 2009 (https://www.nimh.nih.gov/rdoc). RDoC approaches mental health in terms of fundamental psychobiological systems, including arousal/regulation, positive valence, negative valence, sensorimotor skills, cognition, and social processes. The negative valence system includes frustrative nonreward and loss as endophenotypes, both emphasizing the loss of rewards. RDoC definitions are:
Frustrative nonreward: Reactions elicited in response to withdrawal/prevention of reward, i.e., by the inability to obtain positive rewards following repeated or sustained efforts.
Loss: A state of deprivation of a motivationally significant conspecific, object, or situation.
Presentations are scheduled for the third Monday of every month according to the following time schedule:
4:00 pm, Central Time (US)
5:00 pm, Eastern Time (US)
7:00 pm, Buenos Aires, Argentina
11:00 pm, Madrid, Spain
7:00 am, Tokyo, Japan (the next day)
FORTHCOMING: Nellia Bellaert – EEG time-frequency responses to frustrative nonreward in young adults.
Online presentation, Apr/21/2025, 4:00 pm (Central Time, Texas USA).
FORTHCOMING: Tom Green – Machine learning applications in frustrative nonreward.
Online presentation, Mar/17/2025, 4:00 pm (Central Time, Texas USA).
FORTHCOMING: Giselle Kamenetzky – Ontogenetic and sex differences in the hedonic responses to frustrative nonreward.
Online presentation, Feb/17/2025, 4:00 pm (Central Time, Texas USA).
Rahul Garg – Inequity-induced frustration enhances prefrontal cortex activity and alters social hierarchy in mice.
Online presentation, Jan/24/2025, 4:00 pm (Central Time, Texas USA).
Group discussion on a review article currently in progress.
Online presentation, Dec/16/2024, 4:00 pm (Central Time, Texas USA).
Wan-Ling Tseng – Using frustration paradigms to probe mechanisms of pediatric
Online presentation, Nov/18/2024, 4:00 pm (Central Time, Texas USA).
Mauricio R. Papini – Role of the amygdala in consummatory successive negative contrast.
Online presentation, Oct/21/2024, 4:00 pm (Central Time, Texas USA).
Symposium – Frustrative nonreward: Behavior, circuits, neurochemistry, and disorders.
Chair: Mauricio R. Papini
Participants: Masaaki Ogawa, Thomas Green, Carmen Torres, and Zheng Li.
Society for Neuroscience Meeting
Sunday, October 6, 2024, 9:30 am – 12:00 pm (Central Time, USA), Location: MCP Room S100BC. Chicago, IL.
Abstract: The surprising omission or reduction of vital resources (food, fluid, social partners) can induce an aversive emotion known as frustrative nonreward (FNR), which impacts subsequent behavior. Although its role is not always appreciated, FNR is integral for irritability/aggression, motivation (substance use disorders, depression), anxiety/fear/threat, learning/conditioning, and social behavior. This symposium highlighted new insights and potential applications of FNR research.
Marta Sabariego – From expectation to reality: Hippocampal involvement in reward value adjustment.
Online presentation, Aug/19/2024, 4:00 pm (Central Time, Texas USA).
Thomas Green – Operant assays of frustrative nonreward useful for the study of substance use disorder.
Online presentation, Jun/17/2024, 5:00 pm (Central Time, Texas USA).
Masaaki Ogawa – Dopamine signaling for persistent reward pursuit despite frustrative nonreward.
Online presentation, May/20/2024, 4:00 pm (Central Time, Texas USA).
Ellen Leibenluft & Zheng Li – Using frustration studies to study the pathophysiology of pediatric irritability and facilitate development of novel treatments.
Online presentation, Apr/15/2024, 4:00 pm (Central Time, Texas USA).
Carmen Torres – Exploring frustration: My research journey.
Online presentation, Mar/18/2024, 4:00 pm (Central Time, Texas USA).